IT'S our City
And we have every right to it
We work for buffalo
Our City is made up of hard working Buffalonians like you. We are teachers, grocers, dog walkers, restaurant workers, community organizers, nurses, construction workers and retirees who believe in the people of our city.
Our City is committed to building a more just and equitable Buffalo for all of us. We believe that another, better Buffalo is not only possible, but it is absolutely necessary.
We believe…
In Development without displacement
We believe that our communities deserve to be invested in without being pushed out. We know that we can develop Buffalo without gentrifying our neighborhoods
That there is nothing about us, without us
We know that people in our communities know what they need, and that we deserve a seat at the table with decision makers. The best solutions come from the ground up!
In “Putting Love and Justice in front of all that we do”, Lorna C. Hill
Our movement ancestor and founder of Ujima Theatre Co. Inc, Lorna C. Hill gave us a mandate to center love and move towards liberation. We work towards this everyday
That Budgets are a moral document
What we fund in our municipal budgets are a reflection of what we value and believe in. We believe that our tax dollars should fund the people’s priorities fully and first.
That we already have all that we need
Our communities are full of brilliant, resourceful, resilient people who know how to take care of each other. We believe that when we care for each other we set an example for how our City should care for us.

“People will not go someplace we have not first traveled to in our minds”
Our Vision for Our City is so much more than a set of policies and budget items. Our Vision is our north star--the points we look up and forwards to make sure we are traveling in the right direction.
At Our City Buffalo, Our Vision anchors our work in the community and keeps us focused on what matters most; the people of our city.
Thank you for joining us for the 2023 Anti-Displacement Summit & Public Memorial for those lost in the 2022 blizzard
Check out this article by our own Harper Bishop about the 2022 Buffalo Blizzard